A Complete Guide to the 4Cs of Diamonds - Promise Jewelry

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Women Ring and Bracelet

1. Cut: The Beauty of Precision (Approximately 50% meet Ideal criteria)

The cut refers to how a diamond is shaped and affects its brilliance, fire, and scintillation.

Ideal Cut (Top 3%):

  • Symmetry, Proportions, and Polish: Maximum brilliance

Very Good to Good Cut:

Slightly outside Ideal ranges, may lose some light.

  • Fair to Poor Cut:
  • Noticeable loss in brilliance.
Diamond Cut Scale
Gia Diamond Color Chart

2. Color: Spectrum of Whiteness (Approximately 55% fall into G to J range)

GIA’s D-to-Z color scale is the industry’s most widely accepted grading system.

  • D-F (Top 15%): Completely colorless.
  • G-J: Slight hints of color, usually not detectable to the untrained eye.
  • K-Z: More noticeable color, with some consumers preferring the warmer tones.

3. Clarity: Purity and Flaws (Approximately 21% are SI or better)

GIA’s clarity scale includes eleven grades.

Flawless (Less than 1%): No inclusions or blemishes.

Internally Flawless: Only blemishes visible under 10x magnification.

VVS (Very, Very Slightly Included):

  • VVS1: Inclusions towards the pavilion
  • VVS2: Inclusions closer to the table

VS (Very Slightly Included):

VS1-VS2: Minor inclusions, often invisible without magnification.

  • SI (Slightly Included):
  • SI1-SI2: Noticeable under 10x magnification, possibly to the naked eye.

I (Included): Visible without magnification.
2. Color: Spectrum of Whiteness (Approximately 55% fall into G to J range)

Diamond Clarity Chart

4. Carat: Weight and Proportion (Approximately 75% are less than 1 carat)

  • Size: Common weights include 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 carat, etc.
  • Price: Often increases exponentially with size.
  • Proportion: Balance with other Cs for value and beauty.

Tinge in Lab Diamonds

  • Definition: A subtle color tone in a diamond.
  • Colors: May include brown, gray, or yellow.
  • Effect: Usually considered in color grading.

Strain in Diamonds

  • Definition: Internal stress in the crystal lattice.
  • Appearance: Often seen as wavy or distorted lines under specific magnification.
  • Effect on Appearance: Strain can influence the diamond's color and how it reacts to UV light.
  • Lab Diamonds: Controlled strain can create unique properties and aesthetics.

Conclusion: Your Promise, Our Commitment

At Promise Jewelry, we understand the profound significance of choosing the perfect diamond. Whether it's a symbol of love, a mark of achievement, or a cherished heirloom, every diamond tells a story, and we're here to help you tell yours. By embracing the industry-leading standards and offering insight into the depths of cut, color, clarity, carat, tinge, and strain, we provide our customers with the comprehensive knowledge needed to make an informed decision.

Our collection of both mined and lab-grown diamonds reflects our commitment to quality, ethics, and individual preferences. With over 30 years of family-run experience and a proud Canadian heritage, Promise Jewelry is more than a brand; it's a promise of excellence, authenticity, and personal connection. When you choose us, you're choosing a partner who shares your values and celebrates your unique journey.

Explore our selection, consult with our experts, and discover the beauty, science, and soul of diamonds at Promise Jewelry. We're here to fulfill the promise behind every sparkle.